It’s pretty quiet out there, so let’s get down to business immediately. This is my new website. Hooray! It’s only taken about four years to get it up and running, due, in no small part, to general sloth, work busy-ness and a highly dysfunctional relationship with Wordpress. I’ve now moved on – at least from the latter – with the aid of my new friend and mentor, Wix.com, whose silky words of e-encouragement have empowered me to make this foray into the digital space. Praise be. Under His iPhone.
As you may have already noted, I’m a sucker for quotation marks and parentheses, among other sentence-convoluting tics – dashes, for example. This is because, when I’m not chained to the Hills Hoist of Necessity writing SEO-friendly blog posts or editing other people’s words for money, I find it hard to contain the length and complexity of my sentences. Perhaps ‘Away with Words!’ would have been a more pertinent tagline for this site, but that probably wouldn’t have done my SEO rating – or future work prospects – a whole lot of good. Plus, I was never a very good mime. Or meme.
So, be warned that while this website is designed to be an adjunct to my professional life, my blog will never be all about work. Sometimes it will, particularly when I’ve something to brag about. The fabulous Bounty: Cooking with Vegetables, for instance, a book I edited last year for Catherine Bell of Epicure Press in New Zealand, which is currently a finalist in the 2020 International Association of Culinary Professionals Cookbook Awards. I’ll brag then, for sure – but be assured that I’ll be blushing as I do it. Networking has never come easily to me. Which is why, I’d hazard, I’m still chained to that Hills Hoist of Necessity.
Instead, this blog, just like my clunky old one still wheezing away at MonetiseThis, is here to take you for the occasional wade through the shallows of my mind, which is where I generally like to play. Until we meet again.